Monday, January 18, 2010

Two Handfuls of Home Birth and a Baby on My Hip

Well, it's official. I'm up to my ears busy. Busy with Ella, cleaning, cooking, laundry, and to top it all off, the business of home birth activism.

Here's a typical day in this mom's life:
  • Wake with Ella somewhere between 8-9. Nurse in bed for 10-15 minutes.
  • Usually Eric cooks breakfast. :)
  • Eat breakfast, share some of it with Ella, savor my first cup of coffee. Nice and slow...
  • Breastfeed Ella, usually sitting next to the computer now.
  • Set Ella down to play and check email while intermittently stopping to play with her.
  • Ella gets fussy, which is the indication that she's ready for her morning nap. Nurse her down.
  • Finish checking email, Facebook, Tweet a little bit.
  • Ella wakes up after about 45 minutes.
  • Nurse.
  • Lunch: prepare & cook, eat, clean up.
  • Go for a walk with Ella.
  • Nurse.
  • Play, eat a snack, check on the computer...
  • Nurse.
  • Dinner: prepare & cook, eat, clean up.
  • Play with Ella, let Eric take over playing with Ella and post a birth story (if I'm lucky).
  • Nurse.
  • I put Ella down anywhere from 9-10:30. She doesn't like to miss out on the action. Nurse her down.
  • From approx. 10-12 or later, I work feverishly on writing content, responding to emails, Tweeting, adding birth stories to my site or just socializing.
  • And then...I crash.

p.s. there are all the diaper changes in there too, just in case you thought I forgot. How could I?

I'm filled to the brim with living, and I'm loving it. I have met SO many amazing people and read such beautiful stories, all of which tells me I am on the right path. Being aligned with my life's work is a joy that leaves me speechless.

For now, goodnight. Almost 12:30. It's been a long day.

1 comment:

  1. wow, what a full day! Speaking as one whose adult children are long "gone", I read this blog and went ~sigh~...I remember those days but, alas, I didn't spend them as peacefully and graciously as you seem to be. Don't get me wrong...I know that spending all day every day with a baby can be TOUGH! But you'll also look back some day and remember it as some of the best days of your life. Enjoy.
